The Foundation is a grant-making organization, providing financial resources to the Executive Board, member congregations and the camping ministries of the Great Lakes Conference. Organizations affiliated with the Great Lakes Conference (educational institutions and denominational interests) may request that the Executive Board or a member congregation file an application as an extension of its ministry. In such circumstances a clear connection must be made in the grant application between the eligible member and the affiliated entity.
Grants are meant to be Kingdom-oriented, i.e., to fund initiatives that advance the Kingdom of God “on earth as it is in heaven.” They are meant to be transformative, i.e., to facilitate godly change in the lives of the people who are effected. They are meant to be intentional and creative, i.e., to provide fresh, innovative ways of communicating the Good News of Jesus. They are meant to be growth-oriented, i.e., to make disciples who make disciples
Micro-Grants for Kingdom Reach
The Foundation Board of Directors is continuing its program called Micro-Grants for Kingdom Reach. The program is designed to stimulate missional outreach and/or reproducing disciple-making in the congregations and agencies of the Great Lakes Conference. During the calendar year 2022 The Foundation will provide a maximum of $5,000 to qualifying congregations or agencies who are willing to provide matching funds. An overview of the program and an application may be found by clicking the buttons below. Applications are due not later than December 10, 2022.
The Board will consider each grant and is prepared to approve these grants quickly by electronic means. They may ask for more information, so please be as thorough as possible in your application. Do not hesitate to reach out to The Foundation with questions or a completed application.
History of Grants Awarded by Year
2023 Grants awarded - $408,268
2022 Grants awarded - $342,732
2021 Grants awarded - $201,675
2020 Grants awarded - $241,231
2019 Grants Awarded - $226,480
2018 grants awarded - $289,283
2017 grants awarded - $228,810
2016 grants awarded - $342,597
Guidelines for Grant Seekers
The document Guidelines for Grant Seekers supplies information and details about the purpose and operational policies of The Foundation and the factors that influence the Board’s decisions in awarding grants. Applicants are encouraged to prepare requests with these guidelines in mind in order to present ideas in a clear and compelling way.
The Board will carefully review and process every Preliminary Grant Request and each Formal Application. Applicants will be notified of the disposition of their request following each Board decision.
Grant recipients are expected to file a report for each six month period that the grant is open. This reporting facilitates accountability between The Foundation and recipient to encourage effective stewardship and fulfill requirements for non-profit foundations established in the State of Ohio.
Reports are expected to be filed with The Foundation office by May 1 and December 1. When the project for which the grant was awarded is completed a final report is filed bringing closure to the grant.
Failure to report within one year of the awarding of a Grant will result in The Foundation Board refusing to give consideration to future Grant Requests.
If the report has been submitted but is deemed inadequate, the Board of Directors will request the specific information needed. Meanwhile, the recipient will be disqualified for the next available distribution until this issue is resolved.
The Board of Directors will gladly consult with the grant recipient to clarify or support preparation of the required report. Contact should be made with the President of The Foundation.
Semi-annual Report Form for Building Projects, Equipment or Other Capital Projects