Growing the assets of The Foundation will sustain purchasing power and increase support to ministries of the Great Lakes Conference. Below are several ways in which individuals and congregations may add to the resources of The Foundation.
Why Give to The Foundation?
The Foundation makes a personal difference.
Assets remain in the unique community of the Great Lakes Conference. The Lord has called the Great Lakes Conference to a distinctive ministry in Ohio and Michigan. The Foundation is locally sustained as a nonprofit organization to strengthen member congregations and affiliates for this transformational ministry.
The Foundation makes a permanent difference.
The Foundation is built to last from generation to generation. Gifts are irrevocable and may be used only to strengthen the Great Lakes Conference congregations and affiliates. Directors and staff bring a wide range of competencies to understand the worlds of both church and finance.
The Foundation makes a practical difference.
The Foundation serves as a financial steward allowing the local congregation freedom to devote attention to the Word of God and prayer (Acts 6:4). It functions as a partner in ministry, providing resources that enhance a congregation or affiliate’s gifts and graces.
How to Give
The Foundation is equipped to receive both liquid and non-liquid assets. Because The Foundation is recognized as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, donors may leverage an income tax advantage. Please consult with your tax advisor. Some of the more common forms of support include:
Cash Donation. Cash gifts, unless otherwise specified, are added to the permanent assets and become a source of support for continued ministries to serve the common good of the Conference. Click here to make an online contribution.
Appreciated stock or mutual fund shares.
Direct transfers from certain tax-qualified or retirement plans.
Non-liquid assets such as real estate, artwork or personal property.
Purchase of a charitable gift annuity that will return to you an income stream for the remainder of your (and/or your spouse’s) life while providing a permanent asset to The Foundation at your death.
Providing for a planned gift through your estate.
Planned Giving
Planned giving strategies can help you make charitable gifts while enjoying tax benefits and preserving economic value for yourself and your loved ones.
Bequests are the most common way to make lasting gifts. Along with one’s local congregation and/or other charitable interests, listing The Foundation as a beneficiary in your estate plan will perpetuate a gift for the work of the Kingdom. Donors are encouraged to consult with our staff when preparing their estate plans to insure that The Foundation is able to carry out their wishes.
IRA, 401(k), or Other Qualified Retirement Plan Assets may be given directly to The Foundation or other charitable interest if named as beneficiary.
Life Insurance may be used if you name The Foundation as the owner and beneficiary of a new or existing policy – perhaps a policy that is no longer essential to your financial goals.
Contact your professional advisor regarding estate and gift planning. The Foundation staff would be delighted to meet with you and your advisor to discuss questions and concerns.
Please contact us if you would like more information.